Famous What Is Product In Marketing Management References

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In the world of business, marketing plays a crucial role in the success of a product. Product is one of the four components of the marketing mix, along with price, place, and promotion. In this article, we will discuss the definition, components, product strategy, product life cycle, product development process, building a strong product brand, marketing a product, and the success of a product in marketing management.

Definition of Product in Marketing Management

In marketing management, product refers to anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. A product can be a physical good, a service, an idea, or a combination of these.

Components of Product in Marketing Management

The components of a product in marketing management include its core product, actual product, and augmented product. The core product is the main benefit that the customer is seeking. The actual product is the physical product that the customer receives. The augmented product is the additional services or benefits that the customer receives, such as warranties or customer service.

Product Strategy in Marketing Management

Product strategy in marketing management involves determining the product's target market, its unique selling proposition, and its positioning in the market. The product's target market is the group of customers that the product is intended for. The unique selling proposition is what sets the product apart from its competitors. The positioning in the market is how the product is perceived by the customers in relation to its competitors.

Product Life Cycle

The product life cycle is the stages that a product goes through from its introduction to its decline. The stages of the product life cycle include introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. The introduction stage is when the product is first launched into the market. The growth stage is when the product is gaining market share. The maturity stage is when the product has reached its peak and is starting to decline. The decline stage is when the product is losing market share.

Product Development Process

Product development process involves identifying customer needs, generating ideas, screening ideas, developing concepts, testing concepts, analyzing results, developing the product, and commercializing the product.

Building a Strong Product Brand

Building a strong product brand involves creating a unique and memorable brand name, developing a brand identity, creating a brand personality, and creating a brand image. The brand name should be easy to remember and relevant to the product. The brand identity includes the logo, color scheme, and packaging. The brand personality is the set of traits that the brand represents. The brand image is how the brand is perceived by the customers.

Marketing a Product

Marketing a product involves developing a marketing strategy, conducting market research, identifying the target market, developing the marketing mix, and evaluating the results. The marketing strategy should be tailored to the target market and the product's unique selling proposition. Market research is important to understand the market and the customers. The marketing mix includes the product, price, promotion, and place.

Success of a Product

The success of a product depends on several factors, including the product's quality, features, price, promotion, and distribution. The product's quality should meet or exceed customer expectations. The features should be relevant to the target market. The price should be competitive and in line with the product's value. The promotion should be tailored to the target market. The distribution should be convenient for the customers.


Product is an important component of the marketing mix in marketing management. Understanding the definition, components, product strategy, product life cycle, product development process, building a strong product brand, marketing a product, and the success of a product can help businesses develop and market successful products. LSI Keywords: marketing mix, target market, unique selling proposition, market research, brand identity NLP Keywords: product development process, augmented product, brand personality, product quality, product value
