What Is A Market Neutral Strategy?

Market Neutral Strategy How to Reduce Risk from a Trade
Market Neutral Strategy How to Reduce Risk from a Trade from tradingstrategyguides.com
What is a Market Neutral Strategy? - 2023


Investing in the stock market can be a risky business, especially when market conditions are volatile. However, there are strategies that can help investors reduce their risk and still make a profit. One such strategy is a market neutral strategy.

In this article, we will discuss what a market neutral strategy is, the different types of market neutral strategies, their advantages and risks, and how to implement them.


A market neutral strategy is an investment strategy that involves taking positions in both long and short positions in a portfolio of stocks to achieve a zero net exposure to the market. The goal of this strategy is to profit from the difference in returns between the two positions, while minimizing exposure to market risk.

The idea behind this strategy is that if the entire market experiences a downturn, the short positions will profit while the long positions will lose money. Conversely, if the market experiences an upturn, the long positions will profit while the short positions will lose money. Since the positions are taken in equal measure, the net exposure to the market is zero.

Types of Market Neutral Strategies

Statistical Arbitrage

Statistical arbitrage is a market neutral strategy that involves using statistical models to identify mispricings in the market. This strategy involves buying undervalued stocks and short selling overvalued stocks in order to profit from the difference in returns.

Convertible Arbitrage

Convertible arbitrage is a market neutral strategy that involves taking long positions in convertible securities and short positions in the underlying equity. The goal of this strategy is to profit from the difference in returns between the two positions.

Pairs Trading

Pairs trading is a market neutral strategy that involves taking long and short positions in two highly correlated stocks. The goal of this strategy is to profit from the difference in returns between the two positions.

Advantages of Market Neutral Strategies

One of the main advantages of market neutral strategies is that they can help investors reduce their exposure to market risk. Since these strategies involve taking both long and short positions, they are not as affected by market volatility as traditional long-only strategies.

Market neutral strategies can also be used to generate alpha, or excess returns, in a market that is not performing well. By taking advantage of mispricings in the market, investors can still make a profit even when the market is down.

Risks of Market Neutral Strategies

One of the main risks of market neutral strategies is that they require a high level of skill and expertise. These strategies involve complex financial models and require constant monitoring and adjustment.

Market neutral strategies can also be affected by unexpected events such as political developments or natural disasters. These events can lead to sudden changes in the market that cannot be predicted by financial models.

Implementing Market Neutral Strategies

Implementing market neutral strategies requires a thorough understanding of the underlying financial models and a disciplined approach to portfolio management.

Investors can implement market neutral strategies through a variety of vehicles such as mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), or hedge funds.


Market neutral strategies are an effective way for investors to reduce their exposure to market risk while still making a profit. These strategies require a high level of skill and expertise, but can be used to generate alpha in a market that is not performing well. Investors can implement market neutral strategies through a variety of vehicles, and should always be aware of the risks involved.

LSI Keywords:

stocks, portfolio management, financial models, alpha, mutual funds

NLP Keywords:

market neutral strategy, long and short positions, statistical arbitrage, convertible arbitrage, pairs trading
